Home > Electronic Advocacy and Public Interest Technology
This site was created in
1998 to provide a variety of resources for those thinking about creating
an on-line advocacy program, studying this new phenomenon or teaching
others about it. The site includes links to resources and a
bibliography of useful materials. It is part of my ongoing research
efforts to evaluate and improve the practice of using the Internet for
advocacy work. I hope that you find it helpful. Feel free to let me know
if there are materials or links that should be included.
At least some of the things included are offered for their historical value. The field now has an extensive literature that moved far beyond what was originally envisioned.
Revised January 23, 2023
(c) 1998-2024 by John G. McNutt. All Rights Reserved. Limited Permission is Granted for Reproduction for Non-Commercial Educational Purposes provided that the material remain in its original form and proper credit is extended. Disclaimer: The content of all linked sites are beyond my control and I assume no responsibility for their content. Some ictures from the Microsoft Clip Art Gallery.